Eastern Samar is one of the three provinces comprising the main island of Samar.  It lies facing the great Pacific Ocean to the east.  Its main claim to fame as far as the history of the Philippines is concerned, is that it was in Homonhon Island, Guiuan, Eastern Samar where the Portuguese navigator, Ferdinand Magellan, first landed in March 16, 1521, thereby claiming for the King and Queen of Spain the possession of our dearly beloved land.  The positive effects of the re-discovery of the Philippine Islands are her Christianization and the planting of the Catholic Faith.  

    During the 2nd World War, Eastern Samar became a base for
Naval-Air operations in General Douglas MacArthur's drive to push the Japanese occupiers back to their homeland and to their eventual defeat.
The ESCA Dance Troupe
Sonia's choreographed dance, Kapatronan 2009

For more pictures, click here.
More on Eastern Samar.
Its footprints in the liberation of the Philippines from Japanese Imperialism.
Sulangan Beach-Homonhon Island beyond.
ESCA 2009 Picnic
ESCA 2009 Picnic
Monument to WWII Soldiers

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 Estehanon (ESCA) Anthem by carlque

Click here for pictures of Sonia and Margie as reps of ESCA at the PhilConGen-Toronto office salu-salo.
Scenes from the ESCA 2017 Spring Dinner-Dance Night, April 22.- Photos by Alex
ESCA Summer Picnic 2017 & Election of New Set of Officers
Alex Zadeh, Cleta Zadeh, Linda Caberio and Myrna Badayos of ESCA participated in the Parade in the just-concluded 19th Mabuhay Philippines Festival held in downtown Toronto August 26-27, 2017. - Photos by Alex.
Video credits - by Alex Zadeh
Scenes from ESCA Induction of New Officers 2018-2019.
Hon. Deputy PhilConGen. Bernadette Therese Fernandez -
Inducting Officer and Keynote Speaker
Fallsview Casino Trip June 2018
ESCA Annual Summer Picnic 2018
Fallsview Casino Trip September 2018
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Videos above - ESCA Kapatronan and Thanksgiving Fiesta 2024.